10 April 2012

He's Back

Another day, another open chest surgery. In case you've lost count, this is number four in three weeks (and number three in the past week). He came back after a couple hours and is stable...intubated...sedated...and not bleeding.

Starting tomorrow, we'll need to restrategize and it will probably involve not running Heparin and monitoring his Berlin Heart extremely closely for clots. Changing out a pump from time to time is preferable to cracking Eddie's chest over and over again.

We're all very tired but grateful he's back in our hands.


  1. So Happy that he's back, so sorry that he is going through all this! I look and I have one zipper, I see him with more and I feel for him, much more than most can feel. WE LOVE YOU ALL< I will have to look at this again in the morning and send special thanks. I am reminded of Elder Richards talk

    I wonder who has been talking to Eddie to help him hold on. I'm sure that their are many who are looking to his problem on both sides. We love you all very very much. So happy that he is back. I hope you all can get some sleep and much needed rest. We love You and Are Praying for you all!

    "Grandpa D"

  2. I'm so relieved. Thank you for the updates. We love you guys.

  3. We cannot imagine the ordeal this is for all of you! We are in shock every time we read of him going into surgery again. So happy that he is back with you tonight. Praying that the doctors will figure out what to do to stabilize him. Love you guys!

  4. Geesh - so heartbreaking (bad pun) to read this post! You guys are strong, get some much needed sleep tonight, tomorrow is a new day =) Let me know if I can bring you something?!? Comfort food? hehe

  5. Still amazed by this tough little guy. Praying for all of you. Love you!

  6. So sorry to hear that Eddie had to have yet another surgery. I'm sending my love and hugs to all of you. This sounds so hard. You guys are amazing.

  7. We cannot imagine the strength it must take each time Eddie goes back into surgery. We wish we could somehow lift some and carry it for you. We pray for all of you morning and night. We love you. The Weavers

  8. Sorry to hear he had to go in again, but happy to hear things went well. Eddie's strength is impressive, jus like his parents! Stay strong we'll keep on praying.
