30 March 2012

. . . To Be Thankful For

Eddie is recovering in his room tonight after a successful pump change. He was under general anesthesia for the entire procedure and was clamped off for about four minutes. We are thrilled there were no complications.

When the Berlin Heart company sends their compressors and pumps to hospitals, they do so only when a specific patient is being treated. In other words, hospitals do not carry these items on their shelves for indiscriminate use. As a failsafe, they always send redundant units as backups should the originals fail. In this case, the compressor was (and still is) working fine, but the pump had to be replaced and will probably be shipped back to the manufacturer for analysis. That means we no longer have a backup pump so an additional unit was ordered today . . . should be on hand tomorrow. Phew!

On a separate topic, we are looking forward to LDS General Conference tomorrow and Sunday. For the uninitiated, these conferences are held twice a year (first weekend in April and October) and are broadcast via satellite to over 7,400 church buildings in 102 countries. In addition, the Church streams the meetings live on the LDS.org website so anyone who chooses can watch and/or listen. Whatever your faith tradition or religious leaning, I'm certain you'll find something to stimulate profound and existential conversation . . . at least more so than watching Louisville trounce Kentucky tomorrow!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Good news John, best wishes always for you guys, you are always in our prayers.....Harlalkas x 4

  2. Go Eddie Go!!!!! Hope to have 10 minutes ti write you tonight, now I'm goin' to Children's Hospital in the city. It is wonderful to see Eddie set down playing and watching tv. Also Emma started watch tv a few minutes a day, and she really seems to taking more and more awareness day by day... Great, while I was writing this, a nurse from hospital called home for asking me to bring some new dvd for Emma!!So my other daughter had the opportunity to say "Ciao Emma!" to her sister by phone!!!Lovely...!!!! God bless Eddie and his family and all children suffering all over the world!! Maria
