22 May 2012

One Door Closes As Another Opens

Very difficult to believe our stay at Seattle Children's is coming to an end. Today was really quite hectic and emotionally draining as we started our "prove-to-the-hospital-staff-we-can-take-care-of-Eddie-at-home" routine . . . basically doing vitals, drawing and administering all 12 meds, dropping an NG tube into Eddie's stomach, learning how to run his overnight feeds, and managing his wound care. It's one thing to do this in the hospital where nurses and doctors kindly (but firmly) correct us, but quite another when we're back home trying to figure things out for ourselves. Are we ready for this?

In spite of the fear and worry, it was a beautiful day as so many of our wonderful SCH friends stopped by to say goodbye to Eddie. It is hard for us to imagine, but most of our doctors and nurses had never really seen the Eddie we know. When he rolled into the ICU, he was virtually unresponsive on ECMO and it has only been in the past 1-2 weeks that he has really been his more playful self. Few people expected to see him this way.

We're excited to see our wonderful Duvall friends and neighbors again . . . as full-time rather than part-time residents. When we made the decision to settle in Duvall from out of state five years ago, we had no idea how important that choice would be. We will slowly but surely find our own way to thank you for your love and kindness.

We expect to be discharged tomorrow afternoon, anxious to see what is waiting for us as we turn yet another page in this saga. We love you all!


  1. What wonderful news to hear at the beginning of the day. We hope all goes smoothly. You will do great.

  2. The most important thing right now is to concentrate on Eddie's recovery and you both will do a fabulous job, I can imagine the work ahead and will be nerve racking at times but you have all come thus far and I know you can do it!! Please let us know what we can do to lighten the load where we can so you can focus on Eddie! Big cheers and WELCOME HOME!!!! The circle is ecstatic and we can start feeling complete once again!
    Big Hugs, Townsends

  3. The Duvall firefighter would like to bring the fire engine and aid car up for the homecoming. Please let me know a time if you know or wouldn't mind us coming up.
    Duvall Fire

  4. oh, the joy!!! we are so excited to have you all home.....YEA!!!

  5. Dear Harper Family,
    We are so thrilled that your family will be back home all together! We know you'll be great taking care of Eddie at home. You've proven that you've got what it takes over and over again, but know that we'll keep cheering and praying for you on this next step. And if we can help, just let us know.
    Lots of love and welcome-home hugs,
    The Eck Family

  6. We are so excited for you all and are so thankful for how God has had His healing and protective arms around Eddie and your whole family! We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers as you transition into being Eddie's full time care providers/doctors/nurse at home. I know you will do a great job!! Please let us know if you need anything at all!
    Sending lots of love,
    The Ringer Family

  7. Awwwwww mom! So great to hear!!! Welcome home little Dude! Elisa and I are going to bring over some surprises! Love to you and family! ..the Piiras
